Breast Cancer Webinars

Breast Cancer Care WA has hosted a number of free online webinars for people diagnosed with breast cancer. These webinars are developed to provide relevant content from expert health professionals and trusted advisers for you to watch online from your computer, laptop or tablet at a time convenient for you.

2024 Living Well Webinar Series

Dying to Know Day is a national campaign aimed at increasing death literacy and helping Australians plan for end-of-life. This year, the theme focuses on personalising final arrangements and building community.  
This webinar includes an outstanding line-up of guest speakers covering all aspects of end of life.
Join Associate Professor Andy Redfern as he provides a comprehensive user’s guide to Metastatic Breast Cancer.
Join Oncology Dietitian Adele Hug as she explores the evidence and discuss practical ways to eat well, reduce risk of co-morbidities, and optimise wellbeing.
Many of us have heard of ‘rehab’ – recovery after certain treatment, but there is now lots of evidence (and still growing!) on how ‘pre-hab’ can help prepare and get ready for treatment. This webinar introduces the principles of pre-habilitation with specifics around breast cancer treatments
With so much information out there on eating, nutrition and breast cancer, it can feel overwhelming making choices on what to eat for yourself when having breast cancer treatment. This webinar deep dives into the evidence on eating well during breast cancer treatment and discusses some of the common (and no so common!) questions about what is the ‘best’ diet during breast cancer treatment *Spoiler – There isn’t one – what is best for you might not be best for your someone else.
With so much information out there on eating, nutrition and breast cancer, it can feel confusing to make choices on what to eat for yourself after having breast cancer treatment. In this session Oncology Dietitian Adele Hug summarises the evidence on eating well after breast cancer treatment and talk about what is important to consider to optimise nutrition and wellbeing.
Dr. Joshua Wiley shares the latest scientific insights into understanding sleep-wake cycles, managing stress, and optimizing sleep interventions. Learn research-based techniques to reduce insomnia and promote mental health, specifically tailored for those undergoing or recovering from cancer treatment.
Navigating work and our careers while ‘doing’ cancer can be extraordinarily difficult. This webinar will provide insights, practical info, and coaching tips for returning to work. This webinar is presented by Sue Woodall from Live Work Cancer.
Professor Rob Newton, founder of Edith Cowan University’s Exercise Medicine Research Institute shares the findings from current research explaining how targeted exercise medicine can reduce the side-effects and enhance the effectiveness of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy; influence the tumour biology and immune system; and improve the quality of life, strength, body composition, and functional ability of breast cancer patients and survivors.

2023 Psycho oncology PD Sustainable Practice Webinar

This webinar focuses on the workforce in psycho-oncology and how to maintain an overall well being whilst making sure the work that is being done in this field is beneficial to patients and clients.

2023 Lymphoedema and Management Webinar

This webinar focuses on lymphoedema and its management. It outlines what is lymphoedema, early signs and detection, prevention, cost implications and navigating this, fitting of garments, ways to self-manage and long-term management.

2022/23 Wellness Webinar Series

Webinar 1
In this first webinar we talk about the use of Complementary and Integrative Therapies by people with metastatic breast cancer and share some of the current evidence on some of the risks and benefits of commonly used therapies.
Webinar 2
In this second webinar we discuss the influence of hormones on different types of breast cancer, the effects of hormone-blocking treatments, and the experience of induced menopause. Complementary therapies and lifestyle strategies have been shown in research to help manage symptoms of induced menopause, including for women with metastatic breast cancer
Webinar 3
This webinar covers the types of cancer-related pain, with a focus on evidence-based complementary and integrative therapies and strategies for living well with chronic pain.
Webinar 4
This webinar focuses on body image distress related to altered appearance. Treatment side effects can result in numerous appearance alterations including mastectomy, surgical scars, lymphoedema, hair loss, skin changes, weight changes and more.

2022 Breast cancer, menopause and women’s health

 Menopause, cancer-related treatment and the effect on sexuality.
Clinical Sexologist Helena Green discussed how menopause and cancer related treatment can affect sexuality and how to reduce the impact of this on relationships.
Medical management of menopausal symptoms
Dr Lesley Ramage, Women’s Health GP, will discussed the medical options for the treatment of menopausal symptoms and what support is available for women.
Psychological support and self-care for menopausal symptoms.
Associate Professor Lesley Stafford, Clinical Psychologist specialising in breast and gynaecological cancer discussed the psychological support and self-care options for dealing with menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes.
Role of women’s health physiotherapist in sexual and menopausal health.
Dr Judith Thompson, world-leading expert in continence and women’s health physiotherapy discussed how physiotherapists who specialise in women’s health can assist with women’s sexual and menopausal health.

2021 Metastatic Breast Cancer Webinars

2021 Metastatic Breast Cancer Seminar
Metastatic Breast Cancer – Managing the side effects of treatment
Caitlin Broderick, Nurse Practitioner in Medical Oncology at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital shares a wealth of knowledge about side effects you may expect from treatment and what you can do to mitigate those side effects.
2021 Metastatic Breast Cancer Seminar 2
Taking Control – When it’s useful to consider palliative care and advanced care planning
Lana Glogowski, CEO of Palliative Care WA gives an interactive presentation on why and how to have advanced care plans in place early. She also discusses palliative care, it’s benefits and breaks down some of the barriers people have about accepting palliative care.
Medicinal Cannabis – Your questions answered
Barb Fullerton, National Education Manager with Little Green Pharma, explains the science behind medicinal cannabis, the benefits of use and how it is supplied. Little Green Pharma is the first company to provide Australian grown and manufactured medicinal cannabis.
Mindful self compassion and anticpatory grief.
Krystyna Glinski, Clinical Psychologist at Fiona Stanley Hospital Breast Centre talks about the benefits of mindfulness and takes us through a number of mindfulness practices. She also talks about anticipatory grief, which is the grief that occurs before an impending loss.

Other great educational webcasts and podcasts can be found on the Breast Cancer Network Australia website.