Complementary and Integrative Therapies – Webinar Series


The use of complementary and integrative therapies by people with metastatic breast cancer presents a number of challenges. Breast Cancer Care WA’s new webinar series aims to define terms, increase health literacy and share the current evidence on some of the risks and benefits of commonly used therapies.

This series of wellness webinars series is hosted by metastatic breast care nurse Melanie Rowley and presented by Dr Chandrika Gibson, Project Coordinator – Research, Evaluation and Project Development.

Webinar 1
In this first webinar we talk about the use of Complementary and Integrative Therapies by people with metastatic breast cancer and share some of the current evidence on some of the risks and benefits of commonly used therapies.
Webinar 2
In this second webinar we discuss the influence of hormones on different types of breast cancer, the effects of hormone-blocking treatments, and the experience of induced menopause. Complementary therapies and lifestyle strategies have been shown in research to help manage symptoms of induced menopause, including for women with metastatic breast cancer
Webinar 3
In this third webinar we discuss the types of cancer-related pain, with a focus on evidence-based complementary and integrative therapies and strategies for living well with chronic pain.

Webinar 4
This webinar focuses on body image distress related to altered appearance. Treatment side effects can result in numerous appearance alterations including mastectomy, surgical scars, lymphoedema, hair loss, skin changes, weight changes and more.